Bright Start: Sarah and Nancy - Appeal 2: refusal to issue

Last year we had the pleasure of working with Sarah and her daughter Nancy*. Sarah has agreed to share her story with other parents who are going through a similar situation, in a hope it can offer some comfort:

I applied for an EHCP for my daughter. I found the process very difficult and had I have known about Bright Futures back then it would have made my life so much easier. I had no help on application and the various organisations from my local council al let me down, when they should have been helping me.

My application was refused, and I needed to appeal. I found Bright Futures online and I needed help fast. I had no idea what to do and I also work full time. Being able to hand literally everything over to Bright Futures meant that I could breathe without the daily stress of: where am I up to with my EHCP? They kept me up to date fortnightly and I got my daughter’s EHCP plan awarded because of the help they provided and the work they did. Thanks Rebecca!

Bright Futures were incredibly pleased that due to the hard work of both the family and Rebecca, the LA conceded the case and agreed to issue Nancy the EHCP she required to access education fully.

*Names and identities of families who Bright Futures have worked with previously have been changed to protect their privac.